Coming soon to a MIDDLE SCHOOL near you!
Have you ever wanted to know the steps to successfully writing and publishing a book? Wonder no further! Not only have I self-published three books but my children have published three books between the two of them, as well! Ink Well Spoken is all about sharing the joys of authorship, though. We’ve also helped 5 other adults and 1 other youth publish books!! Are you an avid reader? If so, we’re willing to bet there’s an author on the inside of you just waiting to be published! Let us show you how by sharing 10 Things Successful Published Authors Do with you!
The good STUDENTS of BROOKS MIDDLE SCHOOL will get a chance to pick my brain about being an author through the JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT and their PIZZA WITH A PROFESSIONAL lunch program! My mind is an open book!
So… when do I get a chance to speak to/at YOUR [YOUTH/STAFF/STUDENT POPULATION/CONFERENCE]?!! #GeniusIsCommon #InkWellSpoken
Let us be your one-stop shop for all of your #WellSpoken and #WellWritten needs!
“Promoting Youth from Readership to Authorship One Page at a Time”
WEDNESDAY APRIL 22, 2020 @ 11am
Brooks Middle School
Bolingbrook, IL