Coming soon to a CONFERENCE near you!
Genius… it’s not just for a select few anymore! Genius potential is essential and specific to EVERY individual on this earth! How else will we be able to fix it if more of us don’t start operating to our fullest GENIUS potential?!! But how do you access it? I’m glad you asked!
The good CONFERENCE GOERS of the Ohio Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (OASFAA) will get a chance to experience and internalize genius as a part of their VIRTUAL Director’s Day Conference!
So… when do I get a chance to speak at YOUR CONFERENCE?!! #GeniusIsCommon #InkWellSpoken
Let us be your one-stop shop for all of your #WellSpoken and #WellWritten needs!
“Endowing WORTH with the POWER of WORDS”
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2020 @ 9am